7 Auto Paint Protection Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

MI Paint Protection Blogger • Sep 13, 2023

Protecting your car's paint properly requires knowing what can hinder your progress. Here are common auto paint protection mistakes and how to avoid them.

Auto Paint Protection Mistakes

Did you know that 93% of households in the United States have access to at least one car? That is a lot of people who own cars and a lot of cars that are out there!

However, that does not mean that everyone who owns a car knows how to take care of it properly.

One of the most important things that you can do is use protective car paint on your vehicle. You also want to have a car washing routine to keep it clean and protected so that you do not damage the exterior of the vehicle.

However, there are auto paint protection mistakes that you want to avoid. Read on to learn more about them.

1. Applying Wax Incorrectly

When it comes to your car washing routine, you may end up waxing it afterward. This is an integral part of ensuring that your car keeps looking its best. However, there are mistakes that you can make when waxing your car.

First, you have to make sure that your car is clean. You also want to make sure that you are applying in a thin layer. If you do not follow these steps, the car wax will look uneven and will not adhere properly if it is dirty.

2. Not Removing Contaminants Before

When you apply an auto paint protection film, you have to remove all contaminants before applying it. When it comes to contaminants, we mean any dirt, dust, or grime that is on the auto vehicle. It is also important to look in small spaces and hard-to-reach places because there can easily be some hiding there.

Not removing these contaminants before you start applying is a mistake because it can cause the paint protection to deteriorate before it should. Because of this, you really want to make sure that high-traffic areas like the trunk and door handles do not have a single contaminant left on them.

3. Using the Incorrect Products

If you use the right products, you will walk away with your vehicle looking better than ever. However, if you use the wrong products, it can lead to streaks and smears on your car. Worse off, it can also fade your car color. 

You should always check to make sure that the products that you are using are specifically designed for auto care and nothing else.

4. Stopping After Applying

One of the worst things that you can do for your vehicle is to put on the auto paint protection film and then stop there. This is not a one-stop shop to fix all of your issues. You still need to follow up with aftercare.

This means that you need to clean your car regularly and wax your car regularly. This ensures that it does not cause extra damage to the paint on your car.

So how often should you clean your car? You should aim to clean your car at least one time per week to keep the auto paint protection in the best condition possible. You should also plan to wax the vehicle at least one time per month. 

car paint protection film installers near me

5. Pretending It Is a DIY Project

While you may think that this is a DIY project, it is much better to have a professional apply the auto paint protection film on your car. They know exactly what they are doing and are more likely to avoid making any mistakes. This ensures that your car paint will last much longer and minimal damage will occur.

If you are thinking about applying a paint protection film, seeing a professional is the way to go.

6. Washing Your Car Incorrectly

Did you know that there is actually a correct way of washing your car? You need to make sure that you use circular motions when scrubbing the car to avoid damaging the paint. If you use back-and-forth strokes, there will be damage to the pain.

You also need to make sure that you are not using too much pressure or scrubbing too hard. You should also avoid washing your car in direct sunlight as this can leave spots on your car when it dries.

Ultimately, when you are done washing your car, the most important thing for you to do is to make sure the car is rinsed well enough. 

7. Failing to Remove Sap and Bird Droppings

It is likely that you will eventually get tree sap or bird droppings on your car's paint. This is what happens when you drive your car around outside. However, the mistake is when you do not remove the tree sap or bird droppings in time.

You need to use a damp cloth with warm water and soap and gently rub it to get it off. If you leave it on your car for too long, it will eat through the coat and cause permanent damage to the paint protection film.

Avoid These Auto Paint Protection Mistakes

When it comes to caring for your vehicle, there are many auto paint protection mistakes that you will want to avoid throughout the process. If you want your car to look brand new for as long as possible, you should be sure to follow the advice above.

Always make sure to wash your car frequently, do it right, and work with a professional to make sure that you have the right knowledge to do it.

If you want a free estimate for the paint protection film application, you can reach out to MI Paint Protection today. 

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